Our Voices Your Story

I sincerely wish you all success
You guys are really amazing!!! Always improving SpeechActors. Thank you very much for all your hard work to make this great tool better. I sincerely wish you all success, you really deserve it.
Thank you very much SpeechActors, again... I want to tell you guys how grateful I am for all your work making this service ALWAYS better. We have other 4 different TTS services, and you are by far the one who is constantly improving it, when the others give us one upgrade, you generate 5 or more! Wish you the BEST
Augusto Santiago

I am thrilled to use it.
I will have to say this is the best Text to Speech program on the market. I've tested many programs that do text to speech and speechactors is by far the best. If only more people knew about speechactors, they would be thrilled to use it. This is the best money I have spent in a long time and the developer is so quick to add new features which is a huge perk. Thanks so much for making such an amazing product as this.
Paul Gee
Writer / dailycdev.com

The best I've come across to!
I've tried at least 6 voice synth softwares and they all fall down somewhere... except Speechactors. They really do produce the most human-like voices I've come across, including ones several times the price. If you take your time and choose your input and adjustments carefully, it's impossible to pick them as synthetic. The service is probably the best I've come across to. Well done.
Julian Webb
Digital Marketer / Tutor
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    $23/Month (1M char/month)$23.00/mo
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    $57/Quarter (1M char/month)$57.00/qtr
  • Preferred option
    $217/Year (1M char/month)$217.00/yr

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